
First Fridays Toronto: The Meeting Place For Business Professionals

1st Fridays Toronto: is an exciting networking/socializing event that occurs on the first Friday of every month. This organization by the same name, offers a great platform on which young and upcoming entrepreneurs can learn to establish a market for their new or existing businesses. They provide an environment that include: special events, workshops, mix and mingle, or special features such as this particular event held in Sept. 2009. The atmospheres at these various events are always buzzing with knowledge, fun and excitement, attracting a variety of entrepreneurs, professionals, and organizations. First Fridays provides a meeting place for business professionals, single individuals and organizations, mostly from the Black and Caribbean community (but not exclusive to), so they can showcase themselves on a platform that offers loads of opportunities to grow and connect. Here they can meet, share new products, ideas and services. They have created an establishment in which one can get opportunities to network, educate, informed and be informed. Over the years First Fridays events have become an icon in the community, and if you are  a new business professional  to Toronto, or to any of the other cities they serve, or just plain curious, this is not a bad place to start.  For more information or to check  out the next event visit: www.firstfridays.ca Phone: 416-441-0792 (Toronto ). 

In these photos, previously taken by Photo Journalist, Roy Virtue, featured: Singer, songwriter Aria, (top left) performing at the September 11th 2009 event titled 'Film Industry Edition’.  (Bottom) 1st left: The award winning, Warren Salmon 1st Friday’s President with (centre) Actor Laz Alonso, whose acting credits include movies such as "Fast and Furious" and " Down for Life" ;  Broachie Acheampong, Marketing and Entertainment Management (3rd left). 

ABOUT First Fridays:  First Fridays in Toronto was founded in 1994. It is one of over 30 First Fridays that occur on the first Friday of every month throughout North America in cities such as, Montreal, Chicago, L. A., Washington D.C.,  New York, and others.
First Fridays is a community activity club whose purpose is to organize monthly activities and/or events, that are focused on building and improving awareness of networking opportunities for business professionals, with special focus on educating youths and developing communities. Highlighting: employment, entrepreneurship, health and wellness, social networking, arts and entertainment and more.

Edited by EthnicUNews/SW.  All stories and photos posted on this blog are to highlight and promote positive growth among All Canadians; with focuses on:  Education, Diversity, Multiculturalism and Integration. Feedbacks are welcome: teuwitter@gmail.com


Astrology In Your World - Jonathan Cainer’s MONTHLY FORECASTS

Featuring the month of June 2012

This is the month we have been waiting for! June brings a glorious lunar eclipse plus a rare transit of Venus. It also brings yet another sharp encounter between Uranus and Pluto. These two planets have been squaring up to each other for a couple of years, like boxers trading insults before a fight. Every so often, they get into the ring, creating dramas in the world of global finance and politics. Yet the overall message from the sky is one of 'softening and sweetening'. The main thing we'll notice is how much more inspired and hopeful we feel.

ARIES (March 21 - April 20):  Sometimes, we all push our luck a little. Life without adventure of some kind is really no life at all. What you are doing now may not be wise, but, at least, it is fun! Or, at least, it has the potential to bring you great enjoyment, as long as you don't push yourself too far, too fast. June brings a glorious lunar eclipse and a rare, wonderful transit of Venus. These two events promise a month of discovery and delight. Prepare to learn more about yourself, your potential to be successful and your ability to deepen an essential relationship.

TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) :  There is nothing  ordinary about a transit of Venus. You can't expect your life to proceed as 'normal' under such an influence. It doesn't necessarily follow, though, that some enormous drama is about to be enacted. A coming development is about to make a very big difference. But the development itself may prove surprisingly small.  An exchange of information, the dawn of a new idea; a subtle but powerful realization. Be open to the idea that a seed planted in your heart, could grow in time into a whole forest.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 22):  This month's rare transit of Venus takes place while the Sun is in your sign. Venus, obviously, is in your sign too! As if that weren't portentous enough, we get a lunar eclipse in your opposite sign as well. This is deeply auspicious. It might be best interpreted as the sky pointing a giant finger straight at you, singling you out for special attention. Whatever the cosmos can do to help better your lot, deepen your understanding and improve your ability to enjoy life in June, it will do. All you have to do is accept that help.

CANCER (June 23 - July 23): Can't you go a little faster? Can't you try harder? Isn't there more you can do? Have you no other tricks up your sleeve? I don't mean to add to the pressure that you are already starting to experience, but I do need to highlight the way in which you are continually being made to feel as if nothing is good enough. It seems as though you are being weighed and found wanting, yet you have nothing to apologize for. You deserve appreciation not castigation. June's rare transit of Venus, will address that imbalance.

LEO (July 24 - August 23):  Think of some of the tastes and flavors that you have gradually learned to like. At some point in your life, you stopped screwing up your nose in disgust, gave a dish a cautious nibble and said, 'Actually, I like it.' Then it earned a real place in your heart. Acquired tastes are always more rewarding, once we have acquired them. June is an historic and exciting month and it brings a rare transit of Venus and suggests that you are about to develop an appreciation for a new experience. That could change more than you think.
  VIRGO (August 24 - September 23):   While Mars has been in your sign, you have been travelling at such a speed as to cause all passing scenery to become a blur. Finally, you are slowing down. You can see clearly. You have not reached your destination but you have reached a place to pause for reflection. This month's historic transit of Venus implies a sense of elevation and illumination. You are rising higher than you have been for some while. Others (rightly) are starting to look up to you and you will see many reasons to feel proud of yourself in June.

LIBRA (September 24 - October 23):  A thought-provoking conversation will soon cause you to think rather differently about an important matter. Venus traditionally rules your sign - and this month's rare transit of Venus, suggests a host of exciting opportunities in store for you. They have not just suddenly arrived; they have been there for some while waiting for you to recognize them. As you now begin to understand what could be possible, your heart should grow full of enthusiasm. Allow yourself to become motivated. You can set out on a journey to a whole new life in June.

SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22):  Little escapes your eagle eye. Somehow, you can instinctively see where the needle is hiding in the haystack. Every so often, though, you become like a deity who has descended to the mortal realm and is now choosing to function without the use of their godlike powers. Right now, you face a situation that sorely requires analysis and understanding. The transit of Venus invites you to draw on your hidden, higher self. You will soon see a way to get to clear up a mystery that seems to be baffling many people. Trust what inspires you.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21):  It is easy to forget how insecure most people are. Not only do we do things that others find hard to accept, we refuse to understand why anyone should object. Yet, when we are unreasonable, it is because deep down, we are afraid. June's lunar eclipse helps you understand something useful about your own deepest fears. And a rare transit of Venus that speaks of your chance to understand a loved one's behavior or the reason why someone is often difficult to deal with. Thus, it brings hope and harmony.

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20):  This month's rare transit of Venus creates a climate in which candid exchanges can be safely conducted. But it is always very difficult to tell someone the truth if you feel that they are not going to enjoy hearing it, or if you suspect that your honesty could result in a punishment. To take advantage of this celestial opportunity, you must overcome your own sense of insecurity. You don't have to tell everyone everything but someone needs to know something! Someone needs to tell you something too. You will benefit from all of this.  

AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19):  We all know that people have selective memories. Often too, they have selective perceptions of the present. They see what they want to see. If they find themselves seeing something that they do not want to see, they soon find a way to see it the way they want to see it! June is due to be an exceptional month. A transit of Venus will soon occur, opening your eyes to truths that you have been reluctant to acknowledge, whilst opening your heart to a hope that, up until now, you have felt afraid to embrace. Trust this.

  PISCES (February 20 - March 20):  It is always easier to love someone from afar than to appreciate a companion. We can dream about those remote figures and imagine that they will be wonderful in every way, should we ever be lucky enough to spend time with them. When we project the same hopes and wishes on to those who are a little nearer to us, we keep encountering their faults and foibles. Yet June's rare transit of Venus enables you to see just how wonderful someone really is. Someone you are close to. This discovery may yet lead to a marvelous month.

 Disclaimer: for entertainment purposes only.

To purchase a full personal chart reading based on your exact date, place and time of birth - or to hear Jonathan's weekly spoken forecast for your sign visit www.cainer.com
About Johnathan Cainer: A Good Astrologer is part psychologist, part agony aunt and part compassionate friend. That is what astrologer Jonathan Cainer believes – and he should know. An estimated audience of over 12 million people around the world read Jonathan’s daily, weekly, and monthly predictions in newspapers and magazines – and on his popular website.

Edited by EthnicUNews/sw. All stories and photos posted on this blog are to respectfully highlight and promote positive growth among all Canadians; with focuses on: Education, Entertainment, Diversity, Multiculturalism and Integration. Feedbacks are welcome: teuwitter@gmail.com


Toronto District School Board: Trustees Move Forward with Africentric High School

Toronto, ON, Nov.  2011 Trustees considered a full agenda at recent meeting held on Nov. 16/2011 by the Toronto District School Board (TDSB).   Trustees took time out to have recognized the importance of Bullying Awareness week. In light of the recent tragic death of a student within the GTA, the Chair reaffirmed the Board’s commitment to creating safe and inclusive school communities. The Board also made the following important decisions, the first of which caught this blogger's attention:

Secondary pathway approved for students of Africentric Alternative School; Trustees voted to support continuing an elementary-to-secondary Africentric school pathway for students. A feasibility study has been completed examining potential school models, course options and staffing implications. Staff will begin public consultations to determine interest within identified school communities, with the objective of having the secondary Africentric Alternative School in place within the next two years.

 Elementary Alternative Learning Options; Trustees approved the opening of nine elementary alternative learning options for students by September 2012 at sites across the TDSB. Among the programs approved are three Sports and Wellness Academies, two Health and Wellness Academies, two Vocal Music Academies, and one Girls’ and one Boys’ Leadership Academy.

 By-elections to be held to fill Trustee vacancies; with fully three-quarters of its term in office left to serve, the Board agreed that the voters of two northeast Toronto communities should be given the opportunity to elect new trustees. The resolution passed by the Board during the meeting, will send voters in Wards 17 (Don Valley East) and 20 (Scarborough-Agincourt) to the polls as early as the end of February 2012. Details regarding the upcoming by-elections will be shared with the schools and communities of Ward 17 and 20 as soon as possible, and Board Chair Chris Bolton also announced that, until the new Trustees are in place, his office will be available to make sure the local constituents are supported.
Additional and background information can be found on the TDSB public website at www.tdsb.on.ca.
Source: Communications and Public Affairs, Toronto District School Board (TDSB)
About the TDSB: The Toronto District School Board is the largest school Board in Canadaand the fourth largest in North America, with nearly 600 schools and serves more than 250,000 students each year. Toronto District School Board, also known by the acronym TDSB, is the English-language public school board for Toronto, ON. The minority public francophone (Counseil scolaire Viamonde), English Catholic (Toronto Catholic District School Board), and French Catholic (Counseil Scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud) communities of Toronto also have their own publicly funded school boards and schools that operate in the same area, but which are independent of the TDSB.

EthnicUNews ponder this…"Not to know is bad, not to wish to know is worse."  Nigerian Proverb

Edited by EthnicUNews/sw. All stories and photos posted on this blog are to respectfully highlight and promote positive growth among all Canadians; with focuses on: Education, Entertainment, Diversity, Multiculturalism and Integration. Feedbacks are welcome: teuwitter@gmail.com


Landmark human rights case settled

Toronto – A settlement has been reached in the longest-running human rights case in Canadian history.

The case of Michael McKinnon v. the Ontario Ministry of Correctional Services concerned discrimination on the basis of Aboriginal ancestry and has become the leading Canadian case on human rights remedies in race discrimination. The original complaint by Mr. McKinnon, a correctional officer working in the Ministry, was filed in 1988 and has now been settled after 23 years (August 2011).

In 1998, the Board of Inquiry, as it was then called, found Mr. McKinnon’s workplace and that of his spouse and fellow correctional officer Vicki Shaw McKinnon, to be poisoned by discriminatory conduct including racist comments, reprisals after he objected to the behavior and a failure on the part of the Employer to effectively address the problem. Since that decision, Mr. McKinnon has returned to the Board of Inquiry and what is now the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario on several occasions and has succeeded in having Professor Hubbard issue a series of precedent-setting and landmark rulings with respect to race discrimination and Aboriginal issues, which have resulted in the creation of innovative and proactive human rights remedies in a challenging workplace environment.

“Mr. McKinnon’s fight against discrimination was a fight for all employees and not just himself to have a workplace free from harassment and discrimination” said Kate Hughes, counsel for Mr. McKinnon. “Mr. McKinnon, with the support of his union OPSEU, has carried on this struggle for over two decades and we sincerely hope that this settlement will bring well deserved closure for the McKinnons and long term positive change in the corrections culture. This is a good news story of the government and the Ontario Human Rights Commission willing to work together and take responsibility”.

The Ontario Human Rights Commission announced that it has entered into an important partnership with the government to ensure that long term systemic initiatives are further developed and properly implemented. This agreement or “Project Charter”, is similar to other agreements that they have entered into, such as with the Toronto Police Services Board and will benefit from the use of expert advisory committees working cooperatively with the government.

Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall stated, “I am very pleased that this proceeding is now resolved as a result of the new settlement. The Ministry has agreed to undertake a number of actions that will directly benefit those who presently work and who will work in the future in Correctional Services. Among other things, these steps will result in enhanced accountability, recruitment and training with respect to Aboriginal employees. The Commission is looking forward to working with the Ministry to implement the terms of this important settlement.”

Ron McKerlie, Deputy Minister of Government Services stated: “While the settlement brings an end to the litigation and represents closure for the McKinnons, it also signals a new beginning for Corrections. The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services is fully committed to working closely with the OHRC and concentrating its efforts on promoting essential values, respect and accountability throughout the ranks of Correctional Services. It will continue to strive for excellence in achieving a healthy work environment that is truly reflective of diversity, equity and inclusion as part of the Corrections commitment to professionalism.”

As a result of the settlement, the Ministry has agreed to continue developing or initiate further measures to better ensure closer adherence to human rights obligations and renewed support of diverse interests within correctional institutions across the province.

For more information on the systemic initiatives arrived at in this settlement, please visit the Commission’s website at www.ohrc.on.ca to read the Project Charter.

Edited by EthnicUNews/sw. All stories and photos posted on this blog are to respectfully highlight and promote positive growth among all Canadians; with focuses on: Education, Entertainment,Diversity, Multiculturalism and Integration. Feedbacks are welcome: teuwitter@gmail.com



About Johnathan Cainer:  
A Good Astrologer is part psychologist, part agony aunt and part compassionate friend. That is what astrologer Jonathan Cainer believes – and he should know. An estimated audience of over 12 million people around the world read Jonathan’s daily, weekly, and monthly predictions in newspapers and magazines – and on his popular website, www.cainer.com. His intention is never to map people’s lives, preferring instead to equip them with the knowledge to make their own decisions.  He says: “I know its rich coming from a man who makes sweeping generalizations about one twelfth of the population, but I believe everyone is a unique individual.”   Some people dismiss astrology precisely because they cannot believe that the whole of humanity can be typecast into a dozen categories, each having the same kind of day. But Jonathan compares such generalizations about star signs with blanket statements about nationalities. He says: “People believe that Americans are brasher and outspoken than Canadians, and that the English tend to be more reserved, while the Scots say what they think. It’s that kind of true, but if its’ raining like crazy everyone is going to get wet – they definitely have that in common. What I do is to take the basic astrological information and make it more personal.  My forecasts are painted with a brush that’s broad".   Predictions don’t differ from one part of the world to another; allowing Jonathan to write for this genre of the community from his farmhouse, surrounded by ducks, trees and open countryside, in the heart of England’s ancient county of  Yorkshire over 5,000k away….Jonathan Says: “The Zodiac is the part of the sky that can be seen all over the planet and when the sun is in Cancer in England, it’s still in Cancer for the rest of the world. I have to make little allowances for time zones, but the planetary influences are the same. Not everything is written in the stars. Some of it is written down, but I like to think than most of it is in the pencil and everyone has an eraser. You can change the lines and join up the dots differently. We have that option, but we don’t all take it. Some things are in pencil. Some things are in ink – but less than you think”.
After an early career as a fobbing musician, Jonathan wandered in the world of astrology almost by accident. A friend of a friend offered to read his birth chart and Jonathan was amazed by how accurately it summed him up. He then decided to experiment for himself with the complex ancient art. What began as a brief investigation became a dedicated, ongoing study   

To purchase a full personal chart reading based on your exact date, place and time of birth - or to hear Jonathan's weekly spoken forecast for your sign visit www.cainer.com

Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only

Edited by TEU/sw All stories and photos posted on this blog are to highlight and promote positive growth among All Canadians; with focuses on: Education, Entertainment, Diversity, Multiculturalism and Integration; as "we" move forward. Feedback welcome: teuwitter@gmail.com



The Award Winning PAUL KREPPEL
STARS IN Steve Solomon's

Tony Award-winning stage and television star Paul Kreppel will make his Toronto debut on Oct. 12, 2011 in the international hit comedy at the Bathurst St. Theatre. 

My Mother's Italian, My Father's Jewish & I'm in Therapy! played for almost two years in New York City in the heart of Broadway at the Little Shubert Theatre and the Westside Theatre; and has toured nationally and internationally in more than 100 cities. Kreppel performed in the show for 18 months in New York City which, during his run there, won Broadway.com's "Favorite New Play" award.
Paul Kreppel is best known to TV fans as lounge lizard Sonny Mann in the 80's sitcom "It's A Living." His hundreds of other TV appearances include everything from "The Love Boat" to "ER" and as Jackie's Dad on "That 70's Show!" Kreppel's New York acting credits include Joseph Papp's New York Shakespeare Festival productions at the Public, Lincoln Center’s Vivian Beaumont and Shakespeare in the Park's Delacorte Theaters. His on and off-Broadway acting credits include: Godspell, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream coat, Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh!, The Proposition; Joseph Papp's productions of, The Comedy of Errors, Agamemnon and Alice in Concert; as well as, starring in the national tour of Jerome Robbins' Broadway and now the critically acclaimed, My Mother's Italian, My Father's Jewish and I'm in Therapy!

Kreppel's theatre directing credits include the Godspellnational tour, Both Barrels, Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh!, God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, and world premieres of Zero Hour andDon't Hug Me. He won a 2007 Tony Award for co-directing/producing/creating Jay Johnson: The Two and Only!
Written by equally the award-winning author Steve Solomon, the hilarious one-man comedy is based on Solomon's life growing up in a wacky family noted for its bi-ethnic diversity and aptitude for dysfunctional behavior. The author, whose mother is from Palermo and whose father is from Russia, grew up with his older sister (The Smoker!) in Brooklyn, NY. Described as "One part lasagna, one part kreplach, and two parts Prozac," you don't have to be Jewish or Italian to love this show. All you need is to know what it feels like to leave a family dinner with heartburn and a headache!

Variety said it's "a little Alan King here, a pinch of Seinfeld there, with a smidgen of Don Rickles, Billy Crystal and George Carlin thrown in."
Regis Philbin called it "Hysterically funny! Non-stop laughs all the way! I can't recommend this show enough, it's just great!" And Martha Stewart Living Radio raved that it was "as heartwarming as comfort food. Everyone can relate to this!" while Hadassah Magazine described it as a 90-minute laugh-fest!"

The production was awarded "Audience Choice Award - Favorite New Play" by Broadway.com and won the "Theater Fans Choice Award" for Best off-Broadway plays on BroadwayWorld.com. Solomon has written two sequels to his original hit: My Mother's Italian, My Father's Jewish and I'm STILL in Therapy, and his hilarious holiday show My Mother's Italian, My Father's Jewish and I'm Home for the Holidays! All three are currently touring the United States starring either Solomon (who spends more than 40 weeks each year touring with his shows) or other actors he's trained to keep up with demand. The original show has played almost 1,900 times since its inception, making it one of the longest running one man comedy shows on record.

FYI                                   The show is produced by Philip Roger Roy, Dana Matthow and Bud Martin. Producer Philip Roger Roy previously produced, Let My People Come which opened in Toronto in 1981 at Basin St. Cabaret (180 Queen St. West) and ran 3 years there before moving to Club 21 at 21 Yorkville for another 3 years, before moving back to Basin St. for 6 months, and then to the New York Hotel & Dinner Theatre (formerly and presently the DRAKE Hotel) for another 2 years. It ran a total of 8 years as Canada's longest-running-(Equity licensed) musical ever, playing to over 400,000 people. A second production of Let My People Come toured Canada twice to London, Ottawa, Calgary, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Vancouver and Victoria BC.

By Steve Solomon
Starring Tony Award-winner Paul Kreppel
Oct. 12, 2011-January 1, 2012
Bathurst St. Theatre, 736 Bathurst St. (sth of Bloor St. W.)
Performance Times:
Wed at 2pm & 7pm; Thurs and Fri at 8pm; Sat at 2pm and 8pm; Sun at 2pm & 5:30pm.

Ticket prices (includes HST): Wed & Thurs- $51.50; Fri, Sat & Sun - $56.
(Discounts for groups of 15 or more, call toll free: 1-855-HIT-SHOW or 1-855-448-7469)
Tickets through Ticketmaster at 1-855-985-ARTS (2787)
 or online at www.italianjewish.ca

source: DW Communications 

Edited by TEU/sw All stories and photos posted on this blog are to highlight and promote positive growth among All Canadians; with focuses on: Education, Diversity, Multiculturalism and Integration. Feedbacks are welcome: teuwitter@gmail.com

The 4th Annual CPAC Education Day

The 4th Annual CPAC Education Day to be held on October 1st

TORONTO, – Do you want to know more about the Canadian education system? Would you like one place to gather information about universities and colleges, and to speak with representatives about programs? Do you prefer to chat with top university student association members about campus life before making a decision about which university to choose? Would you like tips on how to communicate with your kids and train them to be Harvard-worthy students? Then we have good news for both parents and students. Chinese Professionals Association of Canada (CPAC) and the Education Foundation of CPAC announced today that the 4th annual Education Day will be held at Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School in Scarborough on Saturday, October 1st, 2011.
CPAC Education Day is one of the largest education events held annually in the immigrant community. The event’s objective is to create awareness and provide information about the Canadian education system and its available services to families of newcomers. The theme of this year’s Education Day is “Better Education, Brighter Future.”
“Education is a life long journey. We hope to provide more education information to participants through this annual event and help them succeed in the North American education environment,” Mr. Richard Lim, Executive Vice President of the Education Foundation of CPAC said in a statement.

CPAC Education Day 2011 is expected to draw over 2,000 students, parents, and educators. This year’s keynote speaker will be Jean Zu, Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), President-Elect of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), President of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) in 2006-2008 and Chair of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto. The topic of her speech will be, Tips for Successful Education.”

“It’s our honor to invite Professor Zu to be our keynote speaker this year.” Mr. Lim said. “She is the first Chinese Chair of the Department of University of Toronto since its establishment two hundred years ago, and the first Asian President of CSME and EIC. As an aside, her daughter is now studying at Harvard University. As both a successful professional and a successful mother, I think Professor Zu will also have a lot to share with the parents at the event on how to communicate with their children.

Representatives from school boards, colleges, universities and institutions will also present their programs through seminars and display booths. More than 20 educational institutions including the University of Toronto, Queen's University, York University, and the University of Waterloo have confirmed their presence at this year’s event. 15 “breakout” sessions will be held, covering a wide range of topics from early childhood education to career path planning. There will be an introduction to International Baccalaureate (IB) programs, Advanced Placement (AP) programs and Co-op programs, in addition to undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education programs for adults. Parents of Harvard and University of Toronto doctoral students have also been invited to share their valuable experience on how to communicate with children. An additional highlight of this year’s Education Day is a whole day student forum hosted by top university student association members. They will share their opinions on colorful campus life.

Mr. Richard Lim, Executive Vice President of the Education Foundation of CPAC, thanked HSBC Bank Canada for being the Education Day’s presenting sponsor for four consecutive years. Mr. David Kuo, District Vice President, Toronto Metro of HSBC Bank Canada says that HSBC Bank Canada is proud to support organizations like CPAC in their efforts to help students and immigrant families in Ontario through educational programs.

 CPAC also appreciates the support from its Gold Sponsor CGA Ontario and Heritage Education Funds, its Silver Sponsor, George Brown College, and its co-organizer, Toronto Education Research Association.

Facts about the 4th CPAC Education Day 2011:

·        Time: Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. October 1st , 2011

·        Venue: Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School (3200 Kennedy Road, Scarborough, NW corner of Kennedy & McNicoll)

·        Admission fee: CAD$10/family(including free lunch)

·        Complimentary tickets: Pick up complimentary tickets at participating HSBC branches and CPAC office or register online at www.educationday2011.eventbrite.com to get complimentary tickets.
This picture was taken at their recent press conference held on Sept. 9, 2011.
The first row from the left: Ms. Carmen Jacques, Business Development Manager of CGA; Mr. Raymond Wu, Branch Manager, HSBC Bank Canada, Oriental Centre Branch; Mr. David Kuo, District Vice President, Toronto Metro of HSBC Bank Canada; Mr. Richard Lim, Executive Vice President of the Education Foundation of CPAC; Ms. Yolanda Yao, CPAC General Manager; Ms. Martina Wong, Agency Director, Heritage Education Funds.
The second row from the left: Ms. Carla Marchetti, Coordinator, Community Relations/International Languages/Parent Engagement CEC, Toronto Catholic District School Board; Mr. James Shi; Mr.  Adam Wu, Student Recruitment Officer, University of Ontario Institute of Technology; Ms. Jodelyn, Huang, Community Relations Officer, Toronto Catholic District School Board.

About the Education Foundation of CPAC
Founded in 1999, the Education Foundation of the Chinese Professionals Association of Canada (CPAC) is a registered charitable organization that provides scholarships and awards to secondary and post-secondary students who have demonstrated exceptional community leadership as well as outstanding academic achievements. The Foundation also provides assistance to students who have maintained above-average grades and are experiencing financial difficulty.

Edited by TEU/sw All stories and photos posted on this blog are to highlight and promote positive growth among All Canadians; with focuses on: Education, Embracing Diversity, Multiculturalism and Integration. Feedbacks are welcome: teuwitter@gmail.com