1st Fridays Toronto: is an exciting networking/socializing event that occurs on the first Friday of every month. This organization by the same name, offers a great platform on which young and upcoming entrepreneurs can learn to establish a market for their new or existing businesses. They provide an environment that include: special events, workshops, mix and mingle, or special features such as this particular event held in Sept. 2009. The atmospheres at these various events are always buzzing with knowledge, fun and excitement, attracting a variety of entrepreneurs, professionals, and organizations. First Fridays provides a meeting place for business professionals, single individuals and organizations, mostly from the Black and Caribbean community (but not exclusive to), so they can showcase themselves on a platform that offers loads of opportunities to grow and connect. Here they can meet, share new products, ideas and services. They have created an establishment in which one can get opportunities to network, educate, informed and be informed. Over the years First Fridays events have become an icon in the community, and if you are a new business professional to Toronto, or to any of the other cities they serve, or just plain curious, this is not a bad place to start. For more information or to check out the next event visit: www.firstfridays.ca Phone: 416-441-0792 (Toronto ).
In these photos, previously taken by Photo Journalist, Roy Virtue, featured: Singer, songwriter Aria, (top left) performing at the September 11th 2009 event titled 'Film Industry Edition’. (Bottom) 1st left: The award winning, Warren Salmon 1st Friday’s President with (centre) Actor Laz Alonso, whose acting credits include movies such as "Fast and Furious" and " Down for Life" ; Broachie Acheampong, Marketing and Entertainment Management (3rd left).
ABOUT First Fridays: First Fridays in Toronto was founded in 1994. It is one of over 30 First Fridays that occur on the first Friday of every month throughout North America in cities such as, Montreal, Chicago, L. A., Washington D.C., New York, and others.
First Fridays is a community activity club whose purpose is to organize monthly activities and/or events, that are focused on building and improving awareness of networking opportunities for business professionals, with special focus on educating youths and developing communities. Highlighting: employment, entrepreneurship, health and wellness, social networking, arts and entertainment and more.
Edited by EthnicUNews/SW. All stories and photos posted on this blog are to highlight and promote positive growth among All Canadians; with focuses on: Education, Diversity, Multiculturalism and Integration. Feedbacks are welcome: teuwitter@gmail.com