
The 4th Annual CPAC Education Day

The 4th Annual CPAC Education Day to be held on October 1st

TORONTO, – Do you want to know more about the Canadian education system? Would you like one place to gather information about universities and colleges, and to speak with representatives about programs? Do you prefer to chat with top university student association members about campus life before making a decision about which university to choose? Would you like tips on how to communicate with your kids and train them to be Harvard-worthy students? Then we have good news for both parents and students. Chinese Professionals Association of Canada (CPAC) and the Education Foundation of CPAC announced today that the 4th annual Education Day will be held at Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School in Scarborough on Saturday, October 1st, 2011.
CPAC Education Day is one of the largest education events held annually in the immigrant community. The event’s objective is to create awareness and provide information about the Canadian education system and its available services to families of newcomers. The theme of this year’s Education Day is “Better Education, Brighter Future.”
“Education is a life long journey. We hope to provide more education information to participants through this annual event and help them succeed in the North American education environment,” Mr. Richard Lim, Executive Vice President of the Education Foundation of CPAC said in a statement.

CPAC Education Day 2011 is expected to draw over 2,000 students, parents, and educators. This year’s keynote speaker will be Jean Zu, Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), President-Elect of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), President of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) in 2006-2008 and Chair of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto. The topic of her speech will be, Tips for Successful Education.”

“It’s our honor to invite Professor Zu to be our keynote speaker this year.” Mr. Lim said. “She is the first Chinese Chair of the Department of University of Toronto since its establishment two hundred years ago, and the first Asian President of CSME and EIC. As an aside, her daughter is now studying at Harvard University. As both a successful professional and a successful mother, I think Professor Zu will also have a lot to share with the parents at the event on how to communicate with their children.

Representatives from school boards, colleges, universities and institutions will also present their programs through seminars and display booths. More than 20 educational institutions including the University of Toronto, Queen's University, York University, and the University of Waterloo have confirmed their presence at this year’s event. 15 “breakout” sessions will be held, covering a wide range of topics from early childhood education to career path planning. There will be an introduction to International Baccalaureate (IB) programs, Advanced Placement (AP) programs and Co-op programs, in addition to undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education programs for adults. Parents of Harvard and University of Toronto doctoral students have also been invited to share their valuable experience on how to communicate with children. An additional highlight of this year’s Education Day is a whole day student forum hosted by top university student association members. They will share their opinions on colorful campus life.

Mr. Richard Lim, Executive Vice President of the Education Foundation of CPAC, thanked HSBC Bank Canada for being the Education Day’s presenting sponsor for four consecutive years. Mr. David Kuo, District Vice President, Toronto Metro of HSBC Bank Canada says that HSBC Bank Canada is proud to support organizations like CPAC in their efforts to help students and immigrant families in Ontario through educational programs.

 CPAC also appreciates the support from its Gold Sponsor CGA Ontario and Heritage Education Funds, its Silver Sponsor, George Brown College, and its co-organizer, Toronto Education Research Association.

Facts about the 4th CPAC Education Day 2011:

·        Time: Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. October 1st , 2011

·        Venue: Mary Ward Catholic Secondary School (3200 Kennedy Road, Scarborough, NW corner of Kennedy & McNicoll)

·        Admission fee: CAD$10/family(including free lunch)

·        Complimentary tickets: Pick up complimentary tickets at participating HSBC branches and CPAC office or register online at www.educationday2011.eventbrite.com to get complimentary tickets.
This picture was taken at their recent press conference held on Sept. 9, 2011.
The first row from the left: Ms. Carmen Jacques, Business Development Manager of CGA; Mr. Raymond Wu, Branch Manager, HSBC Bank Canada, Oriental Centre Branch; Mr. David Kuo, District Vice President, Toronto Metro of HSBC Bank Canada; Mr. Richard Lim, Executive Vice President of the Education Foundation of CPAC; Ms. Yolanda Yao, CPAC General Manager; Ms. Martina Wong, Agency Director, Heritage Education Funds.
The second row from the left: Ms. Carla Marchetti, Coordinator, Community Relations/International Languages/Parent Engagement CEC, Toronto Catholic District School Board; Mr. James Shi; Mr.  Adam Wu, Student Recruitment Officer, University of Ontario Institute of Technology; Ms. Jodelyn, Huang, Community Relations Officer, Toronto Catholic District School Board.

About the Education Foundation of CPAC
Founded in 1999, the Education Foundation of the Chinese Professionals Association of Canada (CPAC) is a registered charitable organization that provides scholarships and awards to secondary and post-secondary students who have demonstrated exceptional community leadership as well as outstanding academic achievements. The Foundation also provides assistance to students who have maintained above-average grades and are experiencing financial difficulty.

Edited by TEU/sw All stories and photos posted on this blog are to highlight and promote positive growth among All Canadians; with focuses on: Education, Embracing Diversity, Multiculturalism and Integration. Feedbacks are welcome: teuwitter@gmail.com

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