
Toronto District School Board: Trustees Move Forward with Africentric High School

Toronto, ON, Nov.  2011 Trustees considered a full agenda at recent meeting held on Nov. 16/2011 by the Toronto District School Board (TDSB).   Trustees took time out to have recognized the importance of Bullying Awareness week. In light of the recent tragic death of a student within the GTA, the Chair reaffirmed the Board’s commitment to creating safe and inclusive school communities. The Board also made the following important decisions, the first of which caught this blogger's attention:

Secondary pathway approved for students of Africentric Alternative School; Trustees voted to support continuing an elementary-to-secondary Africentric school pathway for students. A feasibility study has been completed examining potential school models, course options and staffing implications. Staff will begin public consultations to determine interest within identified school communities, with the objective of having the secondary Africentric Alternative School in place within the next two years.

 Elementary Alternative Learning Options; Trustees approved the opening of nine elementary alternative learning options for students by September 2012 at sites across the TDSB. Among the programs approved are three Sports and Wellness Academies, two Health and Wellness Academies, two Vocal Music Academies, and one Girls’ and one Boys’ Leadership Academy.

 By-elections to be held to fill Trustee vacancies; with fully three-quarters of its term in office left to serve, the Board agreed that the voters of two northeast Toronto communities should be given the opportunity to elect new trustees. The resolution passed by the Board during the meeting, will send voters in Wards 17 (Don Valley East) and 20 (Scarborough-Agincourt) to the polls as early as the end of February 2012. Details regarding the upcoming by-elections will be shared with the schools and communities of Ward 17 and 20 as soon as possible, and Board Chair Chris Bolton also announced that, until the new Trustees are in place, his office will be available to make sure the local constituents are supported.
Additional and background information can be found on the TDSB public website at www.tdsb.on.ca.
Source: Communications and Public Affairs, Toronto District School Board (TDSB)
About the TDSB: The Toronto District School Board is the largest school Board in Canadaand the fourth largest in North America, with nearly 600 schools and serves more than 250,000 students each year. Toronto District School Board, also known by the acronym TDSB, is the English-language public school board for Toronto, ON. The minority public francophone (Counseil scolaire Viamonde), English Catholic (Toronto Catholic District School Board), and French Catholic (Counseil Scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud) communities of Toronto also have their own publicly funded school boards and schools that operate in the same area, but which are independent of the TDSB.

EthnicUNews ponder this…"Not to know is bad, not to wish to know is worse."  Nigerian Proverb

Edited by EthnicUNews/sw. All stories and photos posted on this blog are to respectfully highlight and promote positive growth among all Canadians; with focuses on: Education, Entertainment, Diversity, Multiculturalism and Integration. Feedbacks are welcome: teuwitter@gmail.com

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